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1 O000695 Digital Health Care in Taiwan: Innovations of National Health Insurance P. C. Lee,Joyce Tsugn-Hsi Wang, Tzu-yu Chen,Ehia-Hui Peng Springer 2022 連結
2 O000672 簡明中藥鑑別手冊【電子書】 張永勳, 何玉鈴總編輯 衛福部 2016 連結
3 O000673 臺灣中藥典 = Taiwan herbal pharmacopoeia 衛生福利部臺灣中藥典第四版編修委員編纂 衛生福利部中醫藥司 2021 連結
4 O000663 實用婦科護理=Practical gynecologic nursing【電子書/華藝】 馮容莊[及其他13位]編著 華杏 2019[民108] 連結
5 O000670 精神科護理概論:基本概念及臨床應用=Psychiatric nursing:concept and practice【電子書/華藝】 蕭淑貞[及其他42位]編著 華杏 2019[民108] 連結
6 O000668 成人內外科護理.上=Adult health nursing【電子書/華藝】 于博芮[及其他31位]編著 華杏 2020[民109] 連結
7 O000669 成人內外科護理.下=Adult health nursing【電子書/華藝】 馮容芬[及其他19位]編著 華杏 2020[民109] 連結
8 O000664 兒科護理學=Pediatric nursing【電子書/華藝】 蔣立琦[及其他27位]作.修訂 永大書局 2020[民109] 連結
9 O000665 新編生理學=Physiology【電子書/華藝】 麥麗敏[及其他12位]編著 永大書局 2021 連結
10 O000666 產科護理技術手冊【電子書/華藝】 陳映如[及其他5位]著 永大書局 2021[民110] 連結
11 O000667 急重症護理學【電子書/華藝】 謝春蘭[及其他28位]著 永大書局 2021[民110] 連結
12 O000662 我的慢療之路:拒絕沒有靈魂的醫療,一場追求醫者初心的朝聖之旅【電子書/華藝】 維多莉亞.史薇特(Victoria Sweet)著;洪慧芳譯 地平線文化, 漫遊者文化 2019[民108] 連結
13 O000643 Handbook of stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy management【電子書/EBSCO】 Edwin P. Alyea III, Vincent T. Ho, Brett E. Glotzbecker, Prashant Nageshwar. Demos Medical Publishing, 2021 連結
14 O000627 Fundamentals in oncologic ultrasound : sonographic imaging and intervention in the cancer patient【電子書/EBSCO】 O. Catalano, A. Nunziata, A. Siani ; foreword by David Cosgrove ; [translation, Alexander Cormack]. Springer 2009 連結
15 O000647 Mental Health in China and the Chinese Diaspora: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (International and Cultural Psychology)【電子書/EBSCO】 Harry Minas, editor. Springer 2021 連結
16 O000635 Beyond Stroke : Living Independently With One Arm【電子書/EBSCO】 Kate Ryan Ryan Publishing, 2016 連結
17 O000658 Transforming voice and communication with transgender and gender-diverse people : an evidence-based process【電子書/EBSCO】 Adrienne B. Hancock, Linda L. Siegfriedt. Plural Publishing, Inc., 2020 連結
18 O000653 Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age: Ghosts in the Machine【電子書/EBSCO】 by Martin, Elliott B. Jr. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021 連結
19 O000659 Tutorials in diagnostic radiology for medical students【電子書/EBSCO】 Ciaran E. Redmond, Michael Lee, editors. Springer, 2020 連結
20 O000642 Gastrointestinal pathology : correlative endoscopic and histologic assessment【電子書/EBSCO】 edited by Gregory Y. Lauwers, Michael B. Wallace ; associate editor, Till S. Clauditz. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021 連結
21 O000634 ATLAS OF ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY【電子書/EBSCO】 Frank G. Gress , Thomas J. Savides , Brenna Casey , Everson L. A. Artifon WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2022 連結
22 O000633 Atlas of diagnostic endoscopy【電子書/EBSCO】 Dr. Mohammad Ibrarullah. CRC Press, 2020 連結
23 O000636 Blandy's Urology【電子書/EBSCO】 Omar M. Aboumarzouk John Wiley & Sons, 2019 連結
24 O000651 Practical urological ultrasound【電子書/EBSCO】 Pat F. Fulgham and Bruce R. Gilbert. Springer 2020 連結
25 O000631 A clinical guide to urologic emergencies【電子書/EBSCO】 edited by Hunter Wessells, MD, FACS, Shigeo Horie, MD, PhD, Reynaldo G. Go?mez, MD, FACS. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021 連結
26 O000650 Practical management of urinary stone【電子書/EBSCO】 Anthony C.F. Ng, Michael Y.C. Wong, Shuji Isotani, editors. Springer 2021 連結
27 O000661 VERTICAL 2 : the next level of hard and soft tissue augmentation【電子書/EBSCO】 Istvan Urban QUINTESSENZ Verlag, 2021 連結
28 O000660 Ultrasound for interventional pain management : an illustrated procedural guide【電子書/EBSCO】 Philip Peng, Roderick Finlayson, Sang Hoon Lee, Anuj Bhatia, editors. Springer 2020 連結
29 O000646 Manual of complex abdominal wall reconstruction【電子書/EBSCO】 edited by Jeff Garner, Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon, the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, Rotherham, South YCRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 連結
30 O000629 Atlas of robotic cardiac surgery【電子書/EBSCO】 illustrations by Rebekah Dodson ; W. Randolph Chitwood, Jr., editor. Springer 2014 連結